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In this article we’ll show you how to add stylish Hindi fonts in Alight Motion. On top of that, we’ll show you how to pick the right Hindi font for your video and make good use of them.

Alight Motion is a powerful app for editing movies that makes it easy to make beautiful videos. Some of the great things about Alight Motion are its many features. For example, you can add stylish Hindi styles.
Putting stylish Hindi letters on your Alight Motion videos is a great way to make them stand out. Indian fonts come in a lot of different styles, so you can find one that fits the look of your video perfectly.

You can easily use stylish Hindi fonts in Alight motion for version of  iOs , pro apk  and PC.

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Step 1: Download Hindi Fonts

To start, you need to get Hindi font download. You can get indian font for free on a lot of different websites. After getting Hindi fonts, you need to put them in the folder for your Alight Motion app.


Step 2: Import Hindi Fonts into Alight Motion

In Alight Motion, open the app and go to the Projects tab to add Hindi fonts. To make a new project, tap the plus sign (+).

After making a new project, go to the Fonts tab. Then, press the plus sign (+) and pick “Add Font.”

This is where you can pick out the Hindi fonts you want to add to Alight Motion. Press the Import button once you’ve picked out the fonts.

Step 3: Add Hindi Fonts to Your Video

You can start adding Hindi font download to your movie now that you have brought them into Alight Motion.

If you want to add a Hindi font to your movie, press the Text button and then choose “Add Text.”

You can type your text here and pick the Hindi font converter you want to use. You can change the font’s size, color, and other settings after you’ve chosen it.

Tips for Choosing and Using Hindi Fonts in Alight Motion

Here are some suggestions on how to pick out and use Hindi fonts in Alight Motion:

  • Pick a font that goes with the look of your video. You might want to use a silly Hindi font if you’re making a video that is fun and silly. You might want to use a more traditional Hindi font if you’re making a serious or business movie.
  • Don’t use a lot of Hindi fonts. There should not be too many Hindi letters in your video. This will make your movie look messy and not very professional.
  • Check to see if your Hindi fonts can be read. It’s important that people can read the text in your movie, so pick a font that’s big enough and simple enough to read.
  • Use both Hindi fonts and other fonts together. When you mix Hindi fonts with other fonts, you can give your video a unique and stylish look. You could use a Hindi font converter for the video’s title and a different font for the text inside the video.
  • You can make animated text with Hindi styles as well. This is a good way to make your movies more interesting to look at.
  • You can make overlays with Hindi style font as well. Putting text on your movies this way can be helpful because it doesn’t cover up the video.
  • There are lots of guides online that can help you learn how to use Hindi fonts in Alight Motion if you’re not sure how.
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Here is an example of a stylish Hindi font:

Mukta Mahee is a beautiful Hindi style font that you can use. This font can be used to make a lot of different looks because it is both classy and up-to-date. You could use the Mukta Mahee font to make a title for a wedding movie or a text overlay for a travel video, among other things.


It is easy to make your movies stand out with Alight Motion. Just add some stylish Hindi font style. By using the above tips, you should be able to choose and use Hindi font style well to make movies that look great and keep people interested.

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